Camera Follow System in Unity!

addam davis
2 min readJan 13, 2022


Objective: Set the camera to follow the player!

In this tutorial we are going to create a system for the main camera to follow the player as they move through the world. The camera component is one of the most complex parts of a character controller. Together we are going to create a character controller camera from scratch.

We need to understand how a camera controller works. The camera needs to follow the player as well as the mouse. We are going to focus on following the player.

To do this we are going to child the main camera under the player.

Drag the camera into the position you want.

Now start your game and move your camera. The camera should follow the player around.

Well done! Now you have a camera that will follow you player as they traverse through the world. In the next tutorial we are going to focus on the camera following the mouse. I’ll see you in the next tutorial!



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