Installing Unity and Getting Started with Game Development
So, you decided to begin developing your own game. That is an admiral goal, and I, for one, am proud and delighted to hear you make that goal. However, do you know where to begin? If not, there is no need to fear, because I do and if you will follow me, I’ll show you what you need and where to get it.
First things first, there is Unity. “What is Unity?” you ask. Unity is a real-time developer platform. To obtain you own copy of this powerhouse of a platform we are going to need to venture to its website HERE.
From their home screen you will click the bright blue ‘Get started’ button. From here you’ll have your first choice to make.
What, did you think this would be free? Because it can be. All you must do is click on the individual tab at the top where you’ll find a very satisfying FREE, that we all love to see.
Before you start thinking “this is too good to be true”, I assure you that the free version has all the same functions as the featured $1,800.00 option. Now select the personal and download your copy of Unity!
After you select get started, you’ll see another screen asking if you are new, or a returning user. Select new then you will need to agree to Unity’s TOS (Terms of Service.) Once you have agreed your download will begin.
After the Download and Install you will be ready to get started. I did tell you I would help you get started, didn’t I? Why don’t you go ahead, and open Unity Hub and we can get started!
Opening the Hub will greet you with a few options.
You will select NEW and that will bring forth another window which will ask you what type of game you are wanting to make.
Now, the choices begin. If you are wanting to create a 2.5D game you will want to select 3D. Name you game and select where you want to save you files to, and you’ve done it. You have created the beginning to your first game!
Welcome to your new stomping grounds. Within you can make you game developing dreams come true. I know, it’s a bit to take in, so let me help make this expansive new world a little smaller.
To start with, this is the Scene View. This is where you will create Game Objects and layouts to your own desires. To begin, Unity has a list of primitive objects such as a cube, sphere, and a capsule. You can find those by clicking GameObject at the top, 3D Object, and then select Cube.
One the left side of the layout you can see the Hierarchy View, and you may have noticed the cube was added as soon as you created it. The Hierarchy is a list of everything that makes up the Scene view. All the objects in the Scene view are linked and selectable through the Hierarchy panel.
On the right side of the screen is the Inspector View. If you have an object selected the Inspector view will have a list of information for that object. Such as its it’s position, rotation, and scale.
Speaking of rotation, let’s look at the tools you have to manipulate your objects
Starting from the left we have the Hand tool. The Hand Tool lets you pan around the Scene view. If you hold right click and press WASD you will enter FPS mode and be able to move the camera around like a first-person shooter.
Next, we have the move tool. An item selected will have three anchor points attached to it. Using the move tool, you can slide that object along the corresponding axis.
To the right of the move tool is the Rotate tool. When an object is selected with the rotate tool the anchor points are now rounded and you can rotate the object on it’s corresponding Axis
The scale tool is next. With this you can grab an anchor point and elongate or shrink an object. If you select the center point you will manipulate all side together.
After that, the next tool is the Rect tool. This tool is used to scale UI objects.
Now the next and Final tool Is the Move Rotate Scale tool. This tool does what the name states. However, I would advise not using this tool yet as you are still learning what each anchor point and tool is used for.
With this, I dub thee, ready to begin building in Unity. You have gone from deciding to make a game, to downloading and installing the necessary software, to learning the layout and how to create and manipulate objects in Unity. Now go, take what you’ve learned, and run with it. Create that game you’ve always wanted to make. If you enjoyed this tutorial, then stay tuned for my next installment.