Post Processing: Bloom!

addam davis
3 min readMay 19, 2022


Objective: Create a bloom effect for your environment!

In the previous tutorial we covered how to install post processing into your program. Today, we are going to take add our first post processing effect, bloom. What is bloom? Bloom creates fringes of light extending from the borders of bright areas in your environment. This creates the illusion of extremely bright light overwhelming the camera. It’s an easy to use effect that can take your environment from this:

To this:

To begin this process, select the global volume we created in the previous tutorial. In the inspector, select ‘Add Override’.

From here, select ‘Post-processing’ and this will show you the list of available post processing effects you can add using the URP. If we were creating with the HDRP there would be more options. Select ‘Bloom’.

Turn on the intensity and add as much as you like. Remember, a little bloom goes a long way.

This makes all of your emission channels glow. You adjust the scattering which is how far the bloom will spread out.

Now let’s talk about how to make certain emissions stronger than others. Go to the texture that has the emission channel.

Now open the HDR color and adjust the intensity.

Now you know how to add and control bloom for your environments. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your Post Process effects, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!



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