Register Developer Account!

addam davis
2 min readJan 5, 2022


Objective: Create a developer account for the Google play store.

For the past several weeks we have been creating a mobile game. Eventually we want to publish our games and add it to the Google play store. To be able to do that we are going to need to create a developer account.

We need to navigate to the Google play console

Select go to play console in the upper right and you will need to have 2 step verification on your account. With that taken care of you now need to Select an account for yourself and not a business.

Now you will need to fill out your personal information.

At the bottom you will see that to create this account it will cost you $25.00 USD. This is a one-time payment.

After this you will need to send proof of Identity, such as a copy of your driver's license. It can take up to 3 business days for your Identity to be confirmed. Once confirmed you will then be able to publish to the google play store!



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