Holding a Player during a Timeline Event!Objective: Create an animation for your player during Timeline Events!Feb 27Feb 27
Combine Cinemachine and Timeline to Open a Chest!Objective: Add Cinemachine to your Timeline!Feb 181Feb 181
How to Trigger your Timeline Using Player Input!Objective: Create a simple script that allows your player to interact with the Playable Director!Feb 17Feb 17
Timeline Director — Winning the race!Objective: Create a dynamic cinematic using Timeline and Cinemachine!Feb 141Feb 141
Make a Character Manually Change Position with Timeline’s Animation TrackObjective: Understand how to manually change character positions with animation tracks on Timeline!Feb 12Feb 12
Character Override AnimationObjective: Understanding the power of Override Tracks and Avatar Masks!Feb 10Feb 10
Looking at the Power of Using the XRI Toolkit for VR Projects!Objective: Overlook some of the amazing things we’ve learned using the XRI Toolkit!Jul 2, 2024Jul 2, 2024
The Power of 3D UI!Objective: Understand how to build dynamic 3D UI elements!Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024
Setting up a Simple Gaze Interaction!Objective: Understanding how to create Gaze Interactions.Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024